Be the Dad 18. Be the Strongly Connected DadStrong connections, formed through doing life together with your family make parenting easier and more enjoyable. You can have an amazing...
Be the Dad 17. Be a Great Team with MumYou are on the same Team Be greater together. Being a great team is all about getting your strengths working together, planning and...
Be the Dad 16. You are Role Model Dad who will change a generationYou are the hidden Role model who will inspire a Generation. It's not politicians, movies, media or music who will have the most impact...
Be the Dad 15. Be the Positive touch DadAre you a hugger? Be the guy that enables your family to feel safe, secure, accepted and loved through the power of positive touch. Touch...
Be the Dad 14. Be the Life Coach DadBeing able to lead and guide your kids daily, like a coach would his players, will cause major growth, wins and stability in their lives...
Be the Dad 13. Be the ‘Growing Dad’ Personal growth.If you want to be an amazing Dad and man and have a great life, invest into your personal growth. The gold that you put into to your...
Be the Dad 12. Get ‘Daducated'. Get wisdom on how to be the Dad.You don’t know what you don’t know. What you don’t know could vastly improve your life. Learning and gaining wisdom in parenting and...
Be the Dad 11. Be the 'I love Mum' DadIf your wife is like a flower then your love and attention are the rain and the sun that will cause her to bloom. (and this is one of the...
Be the Dad 10. Be the Wins and Lessons Discipline DadListen here on iTunes Listen on Android Let’s put the ‘L’ plates on our kids and help them develop the character, self discipline and...
Be the Dad 9. The ‘Enjoy the journey’ Dad.Listen on iTunes Listen on Andriod ‘Success is a journey not a destination. The doing is often more important that the outcome.’ Arther...