The Thankfulness project
Helping Kiwi's have great mental healthiness by practising daily Thankfulness
About Thankfulness
Thankfulness is great for your Mental Healthiness.
When you think about what you do have and what is going well instead of what you don't have and what is going wrong, you will have a happier and more positive day.
Mental Health is important just like physical health and gratitude and thankfulness practiced daily creates better mental healthiness.
We want to see New Zealanders have great mental health and this website and its resources are free to help you do that!
Start now, think of three things you are Thankful for.

Spread Thankfulness with your own Cap!
What will you choose to think about today?
Watch our TV advert
Thankfulness is simple and powerful
The idea of thankfulness is simple: 'What do you have in your life to be thankful for?' The outworking of this can be challenging when you are used to looking at what is not going well!
At we have loaded our website with resources to help you train your brain to focus on the positives and the way we do that is with Thankfulness:
Thankfulness teaches the mind to focus on positives training your brain through purposefully looking for the good things around you. Negative thinking is counteracted when people see how good their life really is
Thankfulness is simple to understand and apply.
Thankfulness has a contagious uplifting effect on those around us.
Thankfulness increases contentedness and reduces the need to buy more to be happy
Thankfulness makes our neighbourhoods better as we live from a sense of how good our lives are making us more generous.

But what have we got to be Thankful for!!?
The answer.....more than you may realise!!

How we share Thankfulness
We promote practical Thankfulness to New Zealand through:
Advertising sponsorship; newspaper, tv, radio, billboards
Social media posts and videos
School programmes
Free Bumper stickers
Apparel; T-shirts and hats
Running an annual Thankfulness Week

Start working on developing
a Thankfulness mindset today
Have a go at these free resources for developing a Thankfulness mindset today!

Thankfulness is great for Mental Health. When you think about what you do have and what is going well instead of what you don't have and what is going wrong you will have a happier and more optimistic day. Mental Health is as important as physical health and we believe that gratitude and thankfulness practiced daily create a better mental healthiness. We want to see New Zealand have great mental health and for suicide and depression rates to drop. Thanks for visiting and 'what are you thankful for today?'.